The Future of Building Restoration

Emerging trends and technologies in the building restoration industry will positively impact building restoration projects. Here we look at how technology, such as 3D printing, building information modelling, and drones facilitate restoration efficiency.

Virtual and Augmented Reality to Improve Approvals

There is often a disconnect between designs and building owner expectations. Virtual and augmented reality allows designers to share their vision with an immersive experience enabling clients to experience the changes first-hand. They also provide valuable insights that could reduce building costs by as much as 90% through remote and virtual site inspections, safety coordination, communication, and more.

BIM for Design

Building Information Modelling or BIM is used in architectural, engineering, and building processes to create precise building digital models. It enables builders to cover a wide range of dimensions and levels for realistic models for their restoration and construction projects.

Drone Inspections

Although drones are not new to restoration and construction, AI-powered drones offer advanced capabilities, including:

  • Real-time aerial imagery
  • 3D lidar scans
  • Integration with Scan to BIM modes

These advancements improve inspection and speed up data collection, instantly sending construction data to BIM-based and other construction platforms.

Digital Twins for Enhanced Building Simulation

If virtual and 3D tech wasn’t enough, digital twins help predict operation management issues by creating a twin of the building. This prototype provides a multidimensional digital model powered by AI and machine learning. Twins help eliminate operational issues through predictive simulations and resolve problems with machine learning and AI adaptability.

4D Simulation to Improve Logistics

4D simulation software improves logistics and site safety by mimicking construction activities. Project managers can review information related to time, site activity, design, and logistics in a single virtual environment. As a result, the team can visually plan the restoration including the design and workflow using the 4D-built assets.

3D Laser Scanners to Improve Planning

Along with digital twins, 3D laser scanners can scan and analyze objects to facilitate the following:

  • On-site surveying and mapping
  • Project inspection
  • Site safety and more

The scans provide cost savings by improving accuracy at the planning stage. For example, a 3D laser scanner with a BIM can successfully capture the existing building’s features and generate a new model based on required improvements.

3D Printing & Software

3D printing creates three-dimensional building replicas based on digital models. For example, engineers can use 3D printing to design various models to create improved structures and materials and test them on a smaller scale.

Blockchain Technology for Cost Management

Blockchain technology helps improve cost management and allows project managers to develop more cost-efficient procurement strategies. It links collections of data “blocks” in digital ledgers with transactions and milestone records, providing simplified comparisons to each distinct project transaction. From there, it automatically balances itself, making it highly intelligent and adaptable. The technology can be applied to projects of any size, contributing to more efficient and accurate budgeting and financial management of restoration projects.

Construction and restoration technologies provide increasing innovations to produce efficient tools teams can use on- and offsite. As a result, your restoration projects save time through simplified tasks using integrations between software and equipment that improve efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline on and offsite processes.

At WellDone Inc., we are committed to improving the construction process, incorporating various innovations to improve efficiencies, reduce risk, and maintain cost efficiency. Reach out to our team today.